What is the trending topics section?
Trending topics encompass all mass-discussed news and subjects, and the trending topics can be in the ‘for you’ feed as well as the search page. The algorithm used to identify said trending topics will assess and collate topics which users are engaging with most and then content specialist review and compile 5 trending topics, to be displayed to users.
Introducing a trending topics section allows users to connect and discuss worldwide trending subjects. The update brought to US users was released on the 19th of March and came after many users stated the feature was highly desirable.
A trending topic section allows users to explore relevant, current subject matter. As a result, users will be exposed to topics they may have otherwise been unaware of. As well as improving navigation to find topics alongside the ability and ease to engage with them as a result.
Threads versus X
The trending topics section is a feature that will be familiar to X users (formerly Twitter). Threads being X’s biggest competition offers users 500 characters, whilst X only provides 280, this alone gives users a platform to have in-depth discussions, and less of a need for the continuation of topics into comments. This is not the only difference in offerings, Threads also allows users to upload longer video content, as much as up to five minutes. In contrast to X’s two minutes and twenty-second cap.
Features utilised by both apps:
- Desktop compatible
- Cross-platform sharing
- Hashtags
- GIFs, videos, and photos
- Trending section

Utilising ‘trending topics’ within your marketing strategy
Crafting campaigns with the awareness of current trending subjects is an essential part of marketing. Of course, not every topic will have relevance or provide marketers with an opportunity to promote, engage and capitalize off current events. However, when the subject is relevant, it can improve audience visibility, aid in forming attitudes around subjects and can be used to educate both the brand and customers.
To utilise the feature in an appropriate manner, brands will need to monitor trending topics and select relevant topics to engage with. This has been seen to work well in sectors such as fashion and sports, when events like London Fashion Week occur, fashion brands are able to join the conversation and capitalise by providing content or displaying products that users are likely to respond to.
Trending topics are beneficial for brands as they can also help gain insight into audiences’ responsiveness to specific topics and events. This will allow brands to analyse what content is most successful for their target audience. Through analysis brands can then determine the format of content that works best for the audience, then apply their content findings in future strategies.